CDC Loop Wing Emerger Tied by Greg Meyer

June Fly of the Month

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CDC Loop-winged Sulphur Emerger | Greg Meyer

HOOK:  #14-#20 Tiemco 2457 or equiv
THREAD:  UTC 70 denier rust
TAIL:  Brown Zelon over 4-5 partridge fibers
Stripped peacock herl or goose biot dyed yellow. Coat with Lund’s Misfit UVBond
One light or dark dun CDC feather pulled over top of SLF golden olive dubbing. Dubbing should be picked out.
LEGS: Partridge feather cut to V, tied in facing down.

NOTE: Change colors for BWO, PMD, Hendrickson mayfies. Light dun CDC takes marker well, so try a light pink for Hendrickson, apple for BWO, and yellow ochre for PMD.


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